Last night I dreamed of Sisyphus
He filled my sleeping head
Last night I dreamed of Sisyphus
And rolled right out of bed.
Last night I dreamed of Sisyphus
He filled my sleeping head
Last night I dreamed of Sisyphus
And rolled right out of bed.
we're all just a rock in Earth's boundless history
barely a beat upon vast wings of time
so spend it exploring its wonderous mysteries
and find we become that great mountain we climb.
Some like it so strong that the spoon stands straight up,
Some like it so weak it's transparent.
Each sip that I sup I call King Of The Cup,
And the next one I call Heir-Apparent.
I loved a librarian
She didn't love me back
She said I was contrarian
And filed me under 'Quack.'
"Stick or twist?" says Morning to Night
Who's going to win in this Battle of Light?
Night thinks a while and asks for a card
Light gently smiles at Dawn's own front yard.
Night's hand is played, he's feeling quite slick
But Light wins the Day with its own Five Card Trick.
It's raining here but no real thought's gone in to it. No effort. In fact I'd be embarrassed to call it rain. It's just going through the motions. Barely a drizzle. I'm surprised Rain's even put its name to it. Soon, the last drop will fall.
Any minute now.
One last
Dawn; the trailer to the main event, revealing just enough to keep us all watching. Winter; the scolded child, petulantly hanging from the coat-tails of Morning, not yet old enough to play out on its own.
We are on the cusp of change as I drink my second cusp of tea. ☕☕
I heard Jay-Z tried to run a charity marathon but failed to finish due numerous medical emergencies.
He had 99 problems but the stitch ain't one.
I rise no further than my back door. Cold won't wait for an answer, barging in as I consider a waking world. The steam from my tea cup briefly dances around the rim before being pulled inside by the draught, like a novelty act being given the thumbs down at Amateur Night.
Wednesday bleeds through from Tuesday, which bled through from Monday, which bled through from Sunday.
We paint upon a canvas of memory, swilling our brushes in a watery pot, seeking fresh inspiration as before, summoning the Muse to rise again from its feint, familiar outlines.
Dawn plays shove-ha'penny with light as Monday slides into view. The sound of a distant, rumbling train reaches my back door; but not the sound of distant, grumbling, Monday morning commuters. In this hinterland of a new day, endless unwritten possibility whispers from the dark.
A man outside the corner shop forensically examines a scratchcard. His expression denotes his loss. Our eyes meet. We share an unspoken 'tut'. We shake our heads. He scrunches up the card, throws it towards the bin - and misses. Sunday morning pathos. Just scratch the surface.
I once had an imaginary friend
and he took all my imaginary money.
I was then left to imaginary fend for myself
(which I imagine he found funny)
Periodically, I seem to find myself in Time's Changing Room. There, I notice an old, grey man in the mirror, staring straight back at me, in an accusatory and pleading way, as if he almost knows the answer to why he looks so different from the young man who lives inside my head.
When we hear a clock tick it's the sound of Time marking itself present in a register. When we hear a clock tock Time marks itself present once more. This is where we can understand the immediate fragility of Now. But between the tick and the tock? There lies beautiful mystery.
I wake from a dream
where I was dreaming
of waking from a dream;
I must be still in Night's deep pit,
digging at dreams seams.
Some random thoughts on memory and recollection.
skimming flat stones 'cross a lake
straining to take flight; and
where they duck, there
memory aches, on
ripples of delight.