I hope it don't rain when I'm at the tip
I've bags of cut grass and I'll slip in the skip.
I hope it don't rain when I'm at the tip
I've bags of cut grass and I'll slip in the skip.
Evening is jazz
Smoky rooms
irreverent rythm.
Morning is a capella
Trusted tunes
hatched fledgling
rushed song sheet
itinerant old hymn.
I was always Tony Currie
in the playground in a hurry
arms aloft stood by the goalie
(Wheezy Kid who moved too slowly)
the plastic ball was chipped sky high
caught by the wind it wobbled by
straight to our Wheezy, from orbit
(he burst our ball, he fell on it)
A day free of responsibility
maybe we'll dress up, view new-build houses
we can never afford
we'll be the Newman's
from old money
we'll talk of laying our fake grass, wonder
where we'd fit our pretend range and drink real
coffee in the pretend office
/granny flat.
The thing with Freedom Passports
It's just one box to tick
You're missing out on all sorts
It's just one tiny prick.
Nothing says Lockdown more than waiting an hour and a half in a queue for the tip, people watching. Some cars are moving bumper to bumper. The daring leave a big gap between cars. I'd like to see a queue jumper get in there. Alleviate the boredom.
This is rubbish!
We are always in the Here and Now
We are always in the There and Soon
We are also Then and When, somehow
Always going in and out of tune.
We're Everywhere and Nowhere, baby
Lyrically, describing us the best
It's always odd but this day, maybe
All I'm sure of is I'm in my vest.
The perfect quiet of a morning will be shattered the moment I let the dog out. I think of the students, a few doors down, partying in their garden last night. Sharing loud music and the high jinx of youth.I let the dog out to bark at the day. But mainly at the sleeping students.
If I was Time's lift operator
I'd battle huge dinosaurs
If I controlled Time's elevator
I'd stop it between the last floors.
one little magic bean
and all its magic mates
work their magic unforeseen
that's how the magic takes
The scattered twigs
A nascent language
Tiny, little, logs
Lingo of the dogs.
I'm driving along in fine rhyme
Obeying the metre limit
If I find a word out line
I stick it straight into free verse.
I don't pretend to understand Bitcoin
It doesn't pretend to understand me
We like the estrangement of this arrangement
Coinjoined in our ignorant harmony.
The once ubiquitous rubber band
No more scattered over path and grass
Where the postie once left clues
For you and Scooby Do
Perhaps they must keep them now
By Order of Elvunsaytee
Each sorting depot feeding
Rubberballed monsters
Growing hungrier by the day.
I had my prostate tested
I really didn't linger
But felt all calm and rested
Until the doctor's finger.
I'm reminded of walking along a riverbank with one of my kids when he was a toddler. Told him the mist on the river was where clouds floated down in the morning to drink. He's 22 now. No longer believes in my fantasy tales.
Hope he briefly gets to convince someone else one day.
Where do our thoughts start
And where do our thoughts end
The time between the chart
The time between the spend.
Where would our thoughts go
Where would our thoughts finish
If we had to show
Every precious minute.
I used to wallow in the waters of time
I used to lay there and let seconds
soak over me
I am more circumspect with bathing
I'll dip a toe in here and there
Splash the odd month or two upon my face
But when I pull that plug
I hear a gurgled laugh
Of gargling years.
If the ticks and the tocks
Of the clock would just stop
Then I could cross Time's busy street.
But the pendulum swings
Much too fast for my limbs
I've got time on my hands and my feet.
We've two brick walls in our back garden
One's collapsing
Years of errant kids chasing errant footballs
The other side is the 'scary' neighbour's
Standing firm with brick and bush
Kids too frit to ask
Some days
Four balls reappear
But only three were lost.
I wake up to a painted morning
They've covered all nooks and all cracks
You can choose any colour - fair warning -
Any colour as long as it's black.
Me, Myself and I
Are laying in bed
I roll over Myself
And push Me out
Myself looks at Me
While Me and Myself
Stare at each other
I push Myself out too
I am finally alone in bed
But then Alone walks in...
...I'm too tall to be a spy at 6ft2. Apparently MI5 set a height limit of 5ft11. I'm more disappointed than I thought I would be, though I actually really want to be a spy.
I'll stick to writing.
Licence To Quill.
This light, this delicate light
burst from a broiling Sun
five hundred seconds ago
Bouncing off bursts of radiation
avoiding cosmic obliteration.
This light, this delicate light
falls at my slippered feet
by my back door
It travels no more.
The poet works with rhyme and words
As a carpenter would work wood
Planing meaning out of verse
As a good word-worker should.
It's cold enough for my breath to freeze. I silently exhale, and the words I might've used vanish into the air. I breathe in, worried I might need them later. Birdsong elicits no such lost, frozen, dictation. In sync with nature, their perfect song inhabits a wordless world.
Not as cool as Friday
When the weekend starts
But knocks the socks off Monday
When the fun departs.
Vol-au-vents are terribly crumbly
Served at parties by all and sundry
I can eat three, no, possibly four
Though most of them land upon the hosts floor.
Memory. A trunk you can't fill. Nothing is thrown away. You might not be able to find the colour of the coat you wore on your 1st day at school, nor the name of the 2nd girl you kissed. But they are there. Beneath your kids names, your favourite pet, and the 1st girl you kissed.
The sky at light. You can have it in any colour as long as it's blue.(whisper it) It's yet to be troubled by cloud or by noise. It almost shimmers, or maybe it shivers, as a rising sun applies rouge. A fussing parent watching over an infant child watching over an infant world.
The infant morning is playing with blocks of primary colours. Reds, yellows, and blues wait to be smeared across a tolerant sky. A wren hops into view, unsure of itself, chattering away to no-one. We've all been there. Its tiny form takes off, a blur vanishing into solid colour.
We wear our mask
Upon our face
Not much to ask
We know our place
We change our face
Beneath the mask
That shows good grace
If they should ask
Now off you go
Put on your mask
Your face will grow
To any task.
If an African zebra crossed,
One of our zebra crossings,
Would it just simply be lost,
From view from the traffic it's stopping?
We rent a skip
We fill it
No more old carpet
Once proudly laid in a brand new home
No more old mower
Once hovered over a seeded lawn
No more old toys
Worn out by tiny, loving, growing hands
We rent a skip
We own a memory
We fill both with what we throw away.
If the trees were upside down
It really would be bonkers
Birds would nest right on the ground
Right next to fallen conkers.
If the trees were upside down
Would we be just the same?
Would roots and leaves the wrong way round
Makes family tree's insane?
I've woken up at 2AM
It's now just gone 2:40
I wonder if I'll sleep again
I wish my brain weren't naughty.
It'll feel strange to communicate with our whole faces when Lockdown ends. My eyes have been working overtime so long to convey meaning and nuance I'm worried I've forgotten how to smile. My bushy eyebrows deserve a mention. Wriggling away like mad.
That'll have to stop. 🐛🐛
The Swiss Army knife in coping
With communication.
The Swiss Navy life we open
When lost in translation.
I lay here in my bed
In the dark and contemplation
The thoughts inside my head
Still don't know their destination
We travel in time
We all go the same way
But when we arrive
That's not for us to say
We travel in rhyme
Our baggage is memory
The journey's sublime
Views are exemplary
We travel, we treasure
We grow, we evolve
The journey is measured
By who we involve
A cold April
A warm March
These Locked Down months are jumbling
Stumbling as they arrive
Out of any order
We oughta look forward
To Christmas in July
Eating sunny mince pies
With November beached
Bonfire Night fireworks
Bleach into bright
August skies.
we played at soldiers in the cemetery
we meant no harm
the momentum of youth
silenced acts of disrespect
machine-gun sounds and bombs
would fall between gravestones
of real war dead
they meant no harm
the momentum of youth
silenced by acts of disrespect
I once had a privet hedge
Private I was then
I'll buy some more, I made a pledge
Before long I had ten.
Soon I struggled to find space
Just what was I now raising?
I bought a field in which I placed
My amazing maze in.
My alternator
telling me
To sleep but also
make coffee
I'm still in bed though
His nose stopped traffic
Everyone said
It was quite graphic
Traffic jams bred
A short sharp burst
On trusted hankie
Drivers would curse
And get quite cranky
A town gridlocked
But a small investment
They made him opt
For decongestant.
A Limerick walking one day
In Nantucket, I'm sorry to say
Was asked to vacate it
The town really hates it
When Limerick's go there to play.
next doors cat commutes between a gap
this seasoned snicket laid bare by Winter's demands
tiny buds of blossom hang from bushes of hopeful refrain
the cat's tail brushes
briefly against them
its pollen palette confusing the bees who wait impatiently to continue
I lay in bed and think of vowels
I'm far from consonontal
"Ayyy! Eeeh, Eyyye! Ohhh! Youuu! " I stretch
Though I'm still horizontal.