The comforting white noise of a gently whirring fan. The edifying solidity of that red dot in the dark, telling me my TV is standing by. The gentle shifting of the duvet as my wife repositions her dreams. I roll unnoticed out of bed and make tea for the dream-changer and me.
Friday, 31 December 2021
though time will stretch & limber up,
the second hand will move
no faster around that dial
than we can speed up
for a missed
Wednesday, 29 December 2021
We wind a way around the mental maze from Xmas to the New Year. Along the way we gather clues. Tiny scraps of wrapping paper, cocktail sausages that have rolled under the sofa, a faint echo holding the last fizz of a fading party. Clues that we were really here. And really messy!
Tuesday, 28 December 2021
I wish I'd taken my gazebo down in time,
This wind has blown it from its garden space.
But every storm cloud as we know is silver-lined,
As next doors shed blows in to take its place.
Today is unseasonally mild. So mild that if today was in a cafe it would clear the table when it was finished. It would apologise for bumping into you. It would let you go first in a queue. Not everyday is as mild as today. Let's take the opportunity and try to be mild in return.
Monday, 27 December 2021
Christmas Day; now the Ghost of Christmas Past. We're into the familiar territory of unfamiliar days. It's Monday, if anyone's counting. It's acceptable to go cold turkey for breakfast, even chocolate orange and beef for lunch. Tin foil's king of the fridge. Leftovers and out.
Saturday, 25 December 2021
I raise a mug-too early for sherry
to those who once made Xmas so merry
and now reside in places unknown
a place I hope one day I'll be shown.
I raise a mug-too early for wine
to those who once at my table dined
to those who are no longer here
they decked my Xmas halls with cheer.
Friday, 24 December 2021
Old dales and old valleys and new peaks we seek;
carved by those poets of yore,
we rise from their trails to the top just to speak
of what's worn away before.
1 day left until we realise we've bought too much food. 1 day left until we realise we won't be able to watch all the TV we've circled in red in our Radio Times. 1 day left until we try and be heard above our Xmas jumper. 1 day left until we start to think about Easter eggs.
Thursday, 23 December 2021
The moon's decorated itself in tinseled cloud. Or are the wires to the starlights on the blink? Do the birds know its Xmas? Not as catchy as Bandaid, but I wonder if robins peer through window ledges at themselves on cards and wonder what's going on?
Turkeys should look away...
There's a dropped stitch in time, there's an error,
In the fabric of all that we know,
Next time that you look in the mirror,
You'll see where all that time did go.
Wednesday, 22 December 2021
The clouds are fussing around the moon like courtiers to a king. The early air is both box fresh and has that new day smell. Occasional sound of scraping along pavement is Shiftwork Neighbour, playing Bin Day chess. I have revolutionary thoughts of moving my bin to take his King.
Tuesday, 21 December 2021
The street's now wearing its best Xmas bling. Lights throb behind curtains and blinds, socially distanced for the times in which we live. If I look down the hill it seems as if countless silent parties are doing their best to escape from behind closed windows. Maybe next year...
Monday, 20 December 2021
I hear a faint swish of passing traffic from a distant ringroad. Busy lives are swiping in and out of mine. Slowly they merge into a low, vibrating hum. I'm happy to listen for a while but soon I find myself pulled in. If you listen carefully, I'm now a faint swish that you hear.
Sunday, 19 December 2021
The fog has mist again and blankets our town. Streetlamps are crowned with grubby halos of smudged light. These angels with dirty faces have more sneer than shine. The morning and the fog hold each other like two, tired, fighting drunks. Both quite unwilling to let the other go.
Saturday, 18 December 2021
I can't believe the corner shop is out of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. Unbelievably, I pick up butter. Newspapers pop with periodicals periodically peeking out of their pages. Weekend supplements, glossy mags, proclaiming they'll make the weekend special. Can I believe them?
Friday, 17 December 2021
Friday balances on the weekend. In our street, cars make themselves seaworthy, ready to be carried away on the outgoing tide of a morning commute. Big kids in black blazers walk down the hill. Tiny kids in white shirts walk up the hill. If I squint they become one giant barcode.
Thursday, 16 December 2021
Make land on the shores of a brand new day;
stroll along the bluffs,
tread the shifting sand dunes,
gaze inland to wonders unexplored.
Map coastlines, this island of time,
give warnings of "Here be dragons."
Contours, detours,
left for those who come tomorrow.
Wednesday, 15 December 2021
Darkness. I'm held in early morning's ambiguity, a sense of everything still yet to be imagined. What's to come has to be built from the memory of what's already been. A brand new day constructed from images of the past. Each day I start the puzzle, looking for a brand new peace.
Tuesday, 14 December 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 14/21/21 - AM
A boy wears enormous headphones. His head nods in time with a silent tune. A small car tries to get out of the IN way. Mini pandemonium ensues. One person can stop the cogs of the early morning routine. The car reverses out. The boy nods on.
Windows in our street are plump with Xmas decs. Some are incredibly intricate, others are hand-drawn. Some have flashing Santa's atop brightly-lit sleighs, some have tiny trees with colourful glitter. Big and small ideas brighten up our street. Framing Xmas one pane at a time.
The Earth's a giant roundabout and we're just clinging on
I wished I had found out about the swings that some go on
I'd much prefer to be pushed back and forth in gentle sway
Than flying round by fingertips for each and every day.
Sunday, 12 December 2021
I bought a self-writing poetry machine,
It writes all me stanzas, (and it keeps the house clean)
It always finds rhymes and then when they're written,
Like all famous poets, grows weary and sickens.
Saturday, 11 December 2021
Time's at the gravestones that lean to and fro
Laying its hand upon row after row
Graves where the living no longer attend
Graves where no flowers in vases descend
Time lends each grave such quiet contemplation
Stones bow their heads at this mute validation.
Friday, 10 December 2021
Do not find yourself in word jail;
you're not fed on bread and water,
but fed what you've already read
and what you've already thought of.
I look down our street on a hill and realise how little changes through the seasons. A view of brick, concrete, tarmac and slate gives little away. Seasons seem to happen elsewhere. No leaves fall in our street because no trees grow. The brow on our hill may actually be a frown.
Thursday, 9 December 2021
They try too hard to please
It's now sounding like whine and cheese
I'm none too refined nor arty
But they definitely threw that party.
There's talk of as many as five
As folks fought to stay alive
We're becoming both angry and bored
Just fall upon your sword.
Wednesday, 8 December 2021
I rise and shine like a newly-minted bruise on a boxers face; puffy, sore, and alarmingly colourful as I greet a monochrome morning. The day is still showing in black and white but I know the upcoming feature promises ultra-high definition, surround sound, and the best seat in the house.
Tuesday, 7 December 2021
At the corner shop the Xmas decs are up. 1 forlorn-looking tree, alone on the counter. That's it. Every year, just by the scratch cards. Sparsely decorated, tinsel scarf to keep straggly branches from falling off. I love the little guy. He doesn't know it, but he makes me smile.
Monday, 6 December 2021
A homemade, cardboard Santa is pasted to a front window. It leers out with a rictus smile. I'm unsure whether the accompanying 'Santa Stop Here' sign is placed in expectation or warning. The house is down the hill from mine. I hope he starts from the top this year, just in case.
Sunday, 5 December 2021
Born of dedicated rumour
Morning is on its way,
It would've been here so much sooner
But it stopped off with Night to play.
Born of endless necessity
Dawn will break up these games,
With a quick scold they both will be told
Just one of you now must remain.
I dreamed of cities on the moon
And hover crafts to fly,
Though things turned out less opportune
I still looked to the sky.
I stared and wondered at the stars
As they shone back at me,
And though there's no real life on Mars
It set my starman free.
Saturday, 4 December 2021
My dog disappears into my black, back garden, straight into a thought experiment. Does he exist if I can't see him? Before I get an answer he rushes from this void, ears flapping, tongue lolling. He appears to accept his absence. If indeed it really is my dog which reappeared...
Friday, 3 December 2021
Daylight dips a toe into today. A pile of leaves shiver in a wind trap under a wall. A jogger is a reminder of passing time as he passes my parked car. These clouds will see the dawn but I can't be certain they'll see the sunset. Time jogs on. We are all pacesetters for a while.
Thursday, 2 December 2021
What passes for snowfall seems too embarrassed to even settle on the ground. It's blown around absent-mindedly, briefly appearing in the spotlight of a lamppost before scurrying back into the night. Why would it bother?
Sometimes it's enough to be seen to be. I'll take that.
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Corner shop. A Wet Floor sign guards an aisle from slippery customers. The cooler light's flickering, or the milk's at a silent disco. A workman with a black eye menaces my imagination with all the possibilities of his shiner. I exit, looking weakly at a paper cut to my finger.
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Now we sing tunes and melodies,
For Now is all that we can sing.
The Future and Past add harmonies; the beat, the rhythm, and swing.
The snowy ice has gone. This travelling circus packs up overnight. Only faint indents in my lawn tell of a magical visit. My dog sniffs the air. Can he smell its absence? Or maybe greasepaint? Maybe he hears the distance roar of a crowd as the greatest show on earth moves on.
Monday, 29 November 2021
Snow arrived late to our shires. To preserve this tardy gift, frost set it in ice. Footsteps sounds like you're biting through a toffee apple. Cars creep to pull away in my street. Centrifugally slow, battling the surrounding ice. Leaving giant blank dominos where no snow fell.
Saturday, 27 November 2021
There's talk of the lack of snow at the corner shop. We all nod sagely that it's cold enough to snow. We look longingly to the door as if snow might be the next customer. Childhood snow drifts shift silently in our memories. We all agree it could snow later and drift slowly away.
Friday, 26 November 2021
Black Friday lives up to its name as I open my back door. Something rustles in a leaf pile. Hedgehogs queuing for overnight bargains? There's a uniformity to the blackness. No hint of what's to come. But I feel smug. I've got 100% off darkness, free delivery in an hour.
Thursday, 25 November 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 25/11/21 - AM
The winter sun arrives as a lie. A pretence of warmth. Caught in its yellow, watery glow we all happily shimmer in the moment.
This illusion shatters, however, as three boys fall nosily into shadow. It appears they're fighting over a shoe!
Talk is of the weather at the corner shop. Is it freezing? Will it rain? Is it going to snow at Xmas? None of us know. It's just our way of connecting which grounds us all in our immediate reality. I leave, knowing that we at least exist, if not the long-term forecast for us all.
Thursday says, to me at least,
"The weekends chances have increased
We're 1 step closer to the start
Of 2 clear days of fun at heart
We're nearly at that time of week
Where joy and laughter reach their peak"
I say to Thursday,
"Silly friend, I'm working all through this weekend!"
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 24/11/21 - AM
3 kids skip in synchronised happiness. A boy hands out gum to eager hands. A teacher nods to each 'Morning Sir' as if he's head-banging to a slow number. The boy, out of gum, finds eager hands gone. He chews alone, surrounded by wrappers.
In the corner shop a man asks for cigarettes. The cabinet's rolled up yet the shopkeeper's hand keeps pointing to the wrong ones. The man says "Left, right, up a bit." I'm reminded of the Golden Shot. I laugh and mention it. Silent stares age me. I Bernie The Bolt out of there.
In this ever-present present
There's an ever-present pot
Pouring ever-present tea
That is ever-present hot
In this ever-present present
There's an ever-present brew
In an ever-present present
There is tea for me and you.
Tuesday, 23 November 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 23/11/21 - AM
The back of my car is jammed with children and packed with gossip. The talk is of Alexa's hair and her new look. They gripe about their French teacher (though they like her hair), just not as much as Alexa's, 'cos Alexa's mum's a stylist.
The old lady who lives alone and always smells of cigarettes and perfume buys 3 packets of fags at the corner shop. I get a whiff of pubs/happier times/much singing/laughing and a hint of snatched, youthful indiscretions. Inhaling someone else's memory, I almost ask her to dance.
I've swam in Time's wide ocean since forever
My hands have paddled in its ebbs and flows
I think they've spent too long in this endeavour
They've gone wrinkly and it's spreading as it goes.
Monday, 22 November 2021
At my back door my breath is stolen by the cold. I see my silent words disappear in puffs of vapour cloud. I wonder what words were taken? Will I need them today? Will I have to use substitute words instead? Do they join giant word clouds in the sky?
I've no Ikea. Such is loaf.
Sunday, 21 November 2021
Three houses in our street have Xmas decs in the window. The correct time to decorate is personal but too early and you appear bonkers, too late and you're Scrooge. I count the houses in our street and divide by two. We'll be house number 54 to put up our window decs.
Not bonkers at all!
Friday, 19 November 2021
I am now booster vaccinated!
If you're pro vaccines, it means I now have less chance of hospitalisation and death from COVID.
If you're anti vax - it means I've just had a system update and can now receive Sky Sports through my fillings!
SCHOOL RUN - 19/11/21 - AM
Children in jeans for Children In Need. Mufti day.
I once pushed a bed on wheels up the high street, dressed as a panda, helped by a lion, a tiger and a crocodile. All for Children In Need.
Kids don't put the effort in these days!
Thursday, 18 November 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 18/11/21 - AM
The winter sun sells fake warmth. A boy pulls off his detachable school tie. I wonder if he can tie a real tie? We had to. Tiny knot. Huge knot. Long tie. Short tie. I detach myself from this fashion memory. My school ties have long loosened.
Nocturnal time keeps its secrets. I'm up before even the rumours of morning. A time when all light is artificial and time itself is just a facsimile of the previous hour. I follow pathways, lightbulb to lightbulb, minute by minute getting closer to the hour of infinite choice.
Wednesday, 17 November 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 17/11/21 - AM
A car with a giant poppy remembers to let me out. A girl smokes as the frailty of the future is released in unrefined smoke rings. Two boys wrestle in the immediacy of the present, but I prefer school fights from the comfort of the past.
The corner shop is a hive of activity, carrying out the illusion that nothing changes. The chiller's being restocked. Bread shelves rise with plump new offerings. I feel guilty for taking a 'new' milk from the front. I apologise for taking it. A strangely British apology.
I owned a string vest
It wore away,
I owned a string vest
Back in the day,
I owned a string vest
I wore it with glee,
I now own the holes
There's nothing to see.
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 16/11/21 - AM
A boy dawdles drinking an energy drink. At a crossing, waves of blazers part a sea of cars. A speeding ambulance elicits giggles then awe. The English teacher shepherds stragglers through a walkie-talkie as he gathers his personal pronouns.
A distant siren wails that it wants to be anywhere but where it is right now. A baritone lorry and its soprano airbrakes harmonise to a stop. Adult footsteps are heard but not seen. A stuttering scooter spits and says it best when it says nothing at all. I'm all ears for today.
Monday, 15 November 2021
A nascent dawn. Shadowy figures pass under flickering streetlight. They come alive like an old newsreel. Their jerky movements fade as they pass into the dark. Was the street replaying old memories? I wait for a horse and cart to appear but the street forgets as the sun rises.
In a million years time,
When our forefinger has evolved
Into one giant digit from which we tap our phone,
When one hand has evolved into a giant claw
In which to hold it,
We will raise our one giant unibrow
And wonder why Autocorrect still roams the earth.
Sunday, 14 November 2021
Our road has on-street parking. It's plump with parked cars. A flotsam fleet, washed in from a working week. They're now stuck until Monday, when high tide and trade winds drags them off our kerbed shore, blowing them to faraway, exotic, heathen Kettering or Corby.
Saturday, 13 November 2021
Something has hitched a ride from a gentle breeze, turning it into something more sinister. An outrider of winter. The leaves curl at this portent. The grass is fearful to grow. Animals make urgent their plans as the reconnaissance of autumn is nearly complete. Change is afoot.
If Time slept in for just one day
Would we all think in the same way?
Would we all notice missing Time?
Could we all focus? Would we all rhyme?
Simply put, what would we lose
If Time lay in and simply snoozed?
Would we all exit from a nap
In Time's bedsit? In Time's stop-gap?
Friday, 12 November 2021
Two men in hi-vis jackets smoke on a wall. They're inhaling in health and safety. A cat in the road glides across gossamer. November's fooled some brave soul into shorts. The cat glides on. The distant, passing train is more distant, less passing, more distant, less passing...
Thursday, 11 November 2021
The moon whispers with the clouds and briefly appears as a rumour. The black bunting of the wee small hours is away to another display. Light draws feint outlines of a morning. Rough plans of a new day. Blueprints, redprints, yellowprints. The day is primed. It's now up to you.
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 10/11/21 - AM
Two teeny-tiny hitmen carry violin cases up the hill. A group of girls giggle around a phone. A group of boys throw stones at each other. A girl takes tiny puffs on a cigarette and sucks a few minutes from an undecided future.
I missed my wander to the corner shop,
I wonder who took my place?
Would they even wonder whose space they were in,
If they knew that's my place in the queue?
Do they wonder at all,
about wondering small?
In a wonderful world,
there is space
for us all.
I watch our binmen disappear down the hill, sliding blue recycling boxes left & right in an expert display of bin curling. Some gently bump walls, some jump in surprise. Now these blue boxes hold nothing but air, which strictly speaking should go in green boxes.
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
A man in a black suit and white shirt smokes at a bus stop, his black tie is untied around his neck. Perhaps he's the cabaret for the bus stop crowd? Maybe he's off to a funeral of a friend? Maybe he's just not tied his tie? The pathway of possibilities which is people watching.
We need the ticks and the tocks
How else would we know when to stop?
A clock that just ticks on a shelf
Is just Time getting caught in itself,
A clock that just tocks for a bit
Is just Time backing up in one hit.
Monday, 8 November 2021
I wake from dreams of knights and dragons
to find a world alive,
With 1 swish of a trusty curtain
the legend of colour is born,
Magical back to back gardens roll away
before my eyes,
Set between castles on terraced streets,
It may not be a lot,
But it dreams like Camelot
Sunday, 7 November 2021
I lie half-awake in Sunday mornings peculiar stillness. It's so quiet I could be trapped in amber; a prehistoric fly caught in a fleeting moment, the world existing around me. Being on show for eternity is OK, but I'd rather not do it in old pants and a Bob the Builder t-shirt.
Saturday, 6 November 2021
Time plays Pass the Parcel
and Time plays Musical Chairs,
And we race round and round unwrapping all our cares,
You may not believe
Time plays such silly capers,
But tell me what will be
when we're out of chairs and papers?
Friday, 5 November 2021
SCHOOL RUN 5/11/21 - AM
Cars queue with smokers cough
as they drop off such fertile minds
from deep inside the earnest-sternest, parent-furnace.
Poured into school they're melded and shaped
when 3pm cools they're returned half-awake
as a rework in progress - no less.
Autumn draws on its pipe and takes stock,
A sweet aroma of unhurried ideas fill the air,
Earth's axis tilts just a smidge;
a squirrel is urged into gathering,
birds hark south,
trees striptease,
and the light rations itself, not certain
when the clouds may part again.
We woke up yesterday
But we all called it Now,
We know Now is today,
Yet both are fine somehow.
When we wake next morning
That will be Now as well,
Why is there no warning
It's Now in which we dwell?
Thursday, 4 November 2021
My breath vapourises and floats away from me like a regret. A car is wearing a blanket over its windscreen like a giant eyemask. I tiptoe past so as not to wake it up. Two men stand vaping either side of the corner-shop door as if they're the most regretful bouncers in the world.
I don't remember sleep last night
So softly was its touch,
I just remember lying down
And then not really much.
I don't remember sleep last night
I feel new and reborn,
I think I was sleepwalking, though,
I'm naked on my lawn.
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
The whirr-click-whoosh of the central heating system
waking from a deep and ancient slumber;
met with a rising descant,
All's quiet on the morning front.
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 2/11/21 - AM
2 boys swap football cards in the playground. I bet they've not got Luton's Ron Futcher. He and his twin brother Paul were all I needed to complete my Panini sticker album from the 77/78 season.
An incomplete sticker album, stuck in my mind.
I spy condensed milk at the corner shop, surprised it's still on sale. Memories pour back; drizzling it over nan's jelly, replete with satsuma segments. Preceded by tinned ham and tinned salmon. Sunday treats. Everything was tinned back then. It made the memories last longer.
Thinking back again, I believe it was evaporated, not condensed milk. An easy mistake to make, evaporated milk disappears that much faster, I imagine.
Monday, 1 November 2021
Snowflake so pretty, snowflake so great,
Each one so different, but watch them mutate
Into snow drifts and blizzards, such powerful weather,
Change comes like this, unique yet together.
Yesterday's weather was a sore loser, throwing street toys out of its pram. Recycling boxes are tumbled, jumbled dice. Litter is king. Wallflower leaves refuse to dance now the weather's stormed off. Next doors car's missing. I'm fairly certain he's at work, covered in litter.
Sunday, 31 October 2021
I'm private, me,
I like my space
And I'm not one
To show my face
At every show
Or posh event
And in this role
I'm quite content
You won't see me
At open nights
The very thought
Gives me stage fright
I'm happy, me,
To be alone
And tap this out
Upon my phone
And just in case,
If I become
What I dislike,
A famous one
Then I'll retreat
To my own home
And sit and write
All on my own
In fact I could
Quite well be safe
As a recluse
Without a face
Without a sight
Of me out there
I still will write
Just from nowhere
In fact I think
I should be going
I've not been here
Forget this poem.
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Adam and Eve all the food they could feed on
Adam and Eve could have eaten roast dinners
But chose to go scrumping for apples, the sinners.
I think I've put my clocks back a bit too far.
I've woken up wearing Spiderman pyjamas and my maths homework's due in tomorrow.
By design, early morning sports a brighter look. My dog's unimpressed by the vicissitudes of autumnal fashion. He'll chase any catwalk. This seasons colours are brown, brownish and browner, with hints of mulch. Some trees dare to wear Leaves St Laurent but its going out of style.
Saturday, 30 October 2021
I dreamed a dreamed where I was rich
As rich as rich could be,
I saw in it all gold and jewells
All washed up from the sea.
I dreamed a dreamed where I was rich
I suggest that you do so,
Just steer clear of the name I chose
Poor Robinson Crusoe.
Dawn. Yesterday's deluge has cleansed this morning's palette. One tiny point of light remains, reflected in a droplet clinging to a blade of grass on my lawn. Is this all that's left of the sun after its battle with the rain? Blindly engaging in total warfare, my dog pees on it.
Friday, 29 October 2021
Someone's pouring dried peas onto corrugated iron, such is the percussive pitter-patter of the rain. My dog sits at the back door, thinking hard about mixing with this dark mess of a morning. As my best mate he advises to wait until it stops, or at least until the peas are mushy.
Thursday, 28 October 2021
A streetlamp rapidly flickers. Its surrounding light casts everyone as if they are in a jerky, silent movie. The wail of a distant siren hangs in the air, lost until it finds the right ears. Maybe the Keystone Kops are on the lookout for this very streetlamp and a way home...
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
I'm the only customer in the corner shop. The man behind the counter (English is his 2nd language) cheerily says,"You are between others, yes?"
Strictly accurate but also profound. We are separated by each other. We measure our lives by the length of the space between us.
the tinkle of the spoon
the twinkle of the moon
the only sound and sight so far today
the cupping of the drink
while supping at the sink
as morning gets set up before display.
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
The sky blushes at promises from a suggestive early morning. The air is playing Statues but fallen leaves and litter keep giving it away. Dreams fade as smoke rises from the dream chimney. A cat slides under a car. Two cats slide out. That must be the catalytic converter at work.
Oh, to wander 'cross the land of my forefathers
And to walk upon the ground on which they trod.
Oh, to wander next to ghosts of Highland farmers
And to find a land that's truly touched by God.
Monday, 25 October 2021
I meet a mate at the corner shop I haven't seen in ages. He works nights. He's tired but extends a Covid-era elbow in greeting. Forgetting the protocol I shake his elbow. We both laugh and we're right back in the groove as if we only met yesterday.
Laughter leaps across time.
What happens after the ride?
Some say we go to the Big Ride
Some say we go to the Ghost Train
Some say we queue for the next ride
Some say we go to the same ride
Some say we all get a FastPass
Some say the fair isn't here
Some say it never was.
Sunday, 24 October 2021
If this morning was in an ID parade I couldn't pick it out. So nondescript is the greyish sky and the coldish air. An Ish day. Ish days are prefect for Sundays. Not one thing nor the other. These are the days between the exciting ones. Wind down days.
I'm happy(ish) about that.
A 3D printer prints a human brain,
The sentient blob feels lonely and in pain.
A 3D printer prints another brain,
And then it prints a 3D printer...
We do not drown in oceans
Nor in nuclear cloud; Our demise is simpler,
3D printers print out loud.
Saturday, 23 October 2021
A new day gossips with smudged stars in ancient skies. Footsteps pass by my window. A disembodied life briefly touches mine. The anonymous steps fade, the stars pass behind cloud. The new day then begins a fresh rumour regarding the temerity of the night and its frosty past.
Friday, 22 October 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 22/10/21 - AM
The sun's rays strike through mountain ranges of cloud. Certain kids are captured in bright light. The heavens are bearing down, opening up. Maybe God, Himself, is speaking?
Nah, God knows the best way to speak to kids is through TikTok.
A tiny woman; swallowed by her vape cloud, resembles an angel, until the charming cherub proceeds to spit on the floor. Then I lose my religion. 2 men laugh as I pass. I join in. Better to be on the inside of a joke laughing out. Somehow my laughter stops theirs. I don't get it.
Thursday, 21 October 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 21/10/21
My car's milometer reads 20,000. I don't know why but I want it to stop at this very even number and never change.
Kids skip up the hill.
I can't remember the last time I skipped; that day passed me by.
My car's milometer reads 20,001.
Running late, I find a familiar world with unfamiliar people. It's Morning+1 and I'm looking for Catch-Up. I don't quite belong here, in someone else's routine, watching someone else's soap opera. The scenery fits but I'm simultaneously home and away with my own neighbours.
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 20/10/21 - AM
Thunder and lightning reverses a bright morning. It's so dark when I get to school I imagine all my old teachers brooding overhead, shouting at me for copying an essay about The Tempest. I'm 40 years late in recognising dramatic irony.
A penny for your thoughts?
A dropped penny for your dropped thoughts
Dropped on the road not taken
Never picked up
Sinking through the earth
Loose change of our loose changes
A dropped penny for your dropped thoughts
A penny for your thoughts?
Tuesday, 19 October 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 19/10/21 - AM
A bin lorry holds us in a queue of traffic. Impatient parents swing their cars out , playing dare with fate. I'm expecting a practical physics lesson - What Occurs When Immovable Forces Collide? -
But they swing by, lesson over - for now.
Tuesday sucked at Improv.
Tuesday: Someone give me a day of the week
Audience: Monday!
Tuesday : Anyone else?
Audience: Friday!
Tuesday: Er. 1 more?
Audience: Wednesday!
Tuesday: Um. Another?
Audience: Sunday!
Tuesday: OK, someone give me a day after Monday & before Wednesday.
Dawn signals to Night to pull into a vow it made to Yesterday. Night rests on the buffers. We are not bound by such a covenant. Free, as we are, to explore limitless light.
Outside the corner shop a man steps in dog poo, somewhat wasting the start to his glorious opportunity.
Monday, 18 October 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 18/10/21 - AM
Hundreds of black blazers appear from all directions. Grammatically grouped, these tiny ink blots spread over a playground page. Full-stops stand chatting, dashes race around, and a whole chapter of them are a blank verse on their phones.
I spy a £2 coin on the corner shop floor. I tap it closer with my walking stick like I'm playing ice hockey. I tap it nearer. It shoots off, landing at a young man's feet. He smiles and politely returns it. He holds the door open as I leave. My mental wealth balance = cash rich.
Saturday, 16 October 2021
In the corner shop a light flashes fluorescently over the dairy section. Is the chiller lactose intolerant? A man loudly exclaims he's "carrying loads of shrapnel" as he counts out change. Must be a veteran of the Corner Shop Wars (Toilet Roll Division).
We will remember them.
Friday, 15 October 2021
Being late to the corner shop I find strange characters in a familiar setting. No Little Old Man. No Workman flirting with Shy Woman. Its like I'm in a sequel - Corner Shop 2. Call me old fashioned but I prefer the original. Outside I hear whistling. Corner Shop 3 - The Musical?
Thursday, 14 October 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 14/10/21 - AM
A man jogs behind kids on a pavement. His sheepdog runs in front, attached to his waist with a lead. Maybe the headmaster's rounding up his flock? Maybe the dog's taking the man for a walk? Very clever, are sheepdogs. Oh, and headmasters.
At the corner shop an old man who always calls me Pete calls me Pete. I nod a smile. It's got to a point that I don't correct him. A small deception. Worth it. Familiarity and anonymity are rare in a world so demanding. I bathe in misconception, smile again and leave Pete behind.
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
At the corner shop a man enters as a man exits. They see each other, laugh, apologise and both offer to hold the door open. Both insist the other walks through. They're caught in a very British quantum entanglement. I walk through, happy to deny science as I'm all out of marge.
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
I said to my duvet
"Why the long frown?"
And it said to me
"Well, I'm just made of down."
Nothing stirs but my tea;
Spoon tinkling mug, sprinkling song,
Bag tossed silently aside,
Steam rises, steam falls.
Legend has it those first teamakers
Used nan's coronation pot and best china,
Calling forth loose-leaf incantation;
I marvel at the old ways,
Lost to us, now.
Monday, 11 October 2021
SCHOOL RUN - 11/10/21 - AM
I spy tiny mountaineers
ascending the hill to school
all backpacked to the max
all emblazoned with kit
some will scale these dizzy heights
some will get lost on the mountain
buy they're all going to learn
about summit or other.
The corner shop smells of burning incense as it pumps out a bhangra beat from a tiny, tinny radio. A lady serving looks resplendent in a deep red sari. A piece of a memory of the Punjab right here at the bottom of my road. I don't know if its recalled in celebration or lament.
Sunday, 10 October 2021
The fury of the wilder dawn
Nearly dawn. Let's get ready to stumble! A hardy bird punches above its weight, its song boxing next door into silence as they stop cheering the TV. The sun awaits its walk-on routine. I watch the rest of the world wake up from my ringside seat. I've got the bird ahead on points.
Saturday, 9 October 2021
that box in the attic
where we get to dress up and can play at long last;
that box in the attic
where we get to mess up in a play we're miscast;
that box in the attic
where we seek the caress of the sway of the past.
Gossamer mist hangs in the air like a gasp
I hardly dare breathe in its presence
Ghost fog peeled away from
the past
Its beauty floats between night and
Haunting the space in-between
It flits so briefly in front of my eyes
I cannot be sure it isn't a memory.
Friday, 8 October 2021
Gripped, as I am, between the pain relief of a thousand tablets and the mechanics of a dysfunctional back, I stop and think for a while.
Dismissing the mild euphoria of a temporary consolation from pain, I consider how lucky I am. I am not being sarcastic, ironic, or whatever literary device explains most of my tweets. I am feeling genuine luck at being able to consider each day as a gift. Yes, it's free of work, and often mobility, but I am unharnessed from the rat race and left to discover a world from the discomfort of my own bed.
I travel far. Currently I am in Pip's world of Great Expectations and I'm also considering the legacy of Empire via Sathnam Sanghera's excellent Empireland. I arse about on Twitter and love to contribute to Ian McMillan's growing gang of Early Morning Strollers. You don't need to be mobile to explore the world. You don't need working legs to follow Mr Jagger's interest in young Pip or to walk in the size 10 footsteps of the British in India. All you need is a curiosity for the world and a desire to understand people.
There are far more books and people in the world than I'll ever be able to read and understand. But what I've learned so far is that the more I read, the more people and places I get to see through literature, and even the more times I arse about on Twitter, the more I realise we are pretty much the same. We mostly have the same hopes and indeed the same dreams. We have the same desires and we have the same dislikes. We may wrap them up in our own individual way but our conclusions are the same. We want to understand each other. Twitter can often be the place of the most misunderstanding, yet I find it empowering and it allows me to walk alongside a great range of interesting characters.
In conclusion, I do feel lucky. I have time to explore, maybe too much time (have you seen the length of this ?) but if you can't find the joy in life from learning something new then who knows, perhaps you already know it all? Perhaps you've learned everything you need to know? That, I would say, traps you more than me. More than my dodgy legs crumbling back and my unwelcome newcomer, diabetes.
Thanks for reading this. I hope you learned something, if only about me. And that's the key. The more we learn about each other, the farther we travel. I'm off to the foothills of India to see what happens next. I'm travelling light.
I noticed a small notice that I'd not noticed before
This notice that I noticed was pinned to a wooden door
The more that I did notice this small notice that I saw
I noticed that this notice would be noticed more and more.
There's gossip of a new day. That's all it is for now. It's still dark, so it's no more than a rumour that's started. We can feel its presence, though. It's the surprise party we know has been thrown for us. When it jumps out from behind the horizon, act shocked. And smile.
Thursday, 7 October 2021
A dusty van has 'Clean Me' written on its back doors and something dirty about a girl called Tegan. A graceful cat impersonates a Slinky, pouring itself over a step. An old circus poster peels from a wall. The Greatest Show on Earth. From what I read, that could involve Tegan.
Don't travel faster than the speed of light
I did once and had a terrible fright
I saw me, before I'd even started
I was in both places before I had departed
The moral I learned - don't break the speed of light
All that's there is here - with go-faster stripes.
Wednesday, 6 October 2021
The bread man's trays are stacked. He works hard by loafing about outside the corner shop. Two men conspire to light each other's cigarettes. Smoke signals success. A hard-hatted man takes no chances in the queue. The bread man rolls out, continuing to earn a crust.
Tuesday, 5 October 2021
In the corner of the corner shop sits a fruit corner in a corner of the chiller. Angles within angles within angles. I catch a copy of the Angling Times in another corner. A cornucopia of papers are angled on display. To a certain degree, I angle my way home, round the corner.
Monday, 4 October 2021
People walk bent and angled against heavy rain. Little Lowrys going to work. A huge puddle conspires with passing cars to ruin someone's day. Kerbside, drains gargle and spit. A wet trail marks corner shop entrance to counter. It's where customers have tried to shake off Monday.
Time won't let us 'cross the tracks
For it will always lead us back
Through the rhythm of what's come
Beating loudly from its drum.
We can't find our way from Here
We can't hear through Time's veneer
What we think are passing sounds
Are just the echoes of Here and Now.
Saturday, 2 October 2021
By the corner shop a man draws heavily on a cigarette. I pass through his smoke into the shop's bright lights like I'm on Stars In Your Eyes. "Today, Matthew, I'll be a man buying a paper."
Exiting, I see the burning red embers of a flicked fag, the only clue to his performance.
Friday, 1 October 2021
By the unkempt bed-hair of roadside verges, green waves break on oceans of tarmac. Two metaphors collide. Colourful wild flowers, or maybe defiant weeds, catch my eye. Raised on sunlight and petrol, they thrive by a sterile carriageway. Revving, I feed the underdog until sunrise.
Thursday, 30 September 2021
Hundreds of children in shiny, dark, wet coats
Lug learning in behemoth backpacks
Line after line trudge slowly with scholarly aim
Such tiny, hungry ants
They swarm the sweet centre of school,
Ready, if not eager, to devour knowledge.
A timeless game of hide and seek is forever taking place. Day jumps out, revealing itself from behind the horizon. Night giggles with delight at such a good hiding place and determines to use it. Day then counts to a hundred. Night looks to the horizon.
Coming, ready or not!
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
A man walks down our hill so quickly, with such jerky, clockwork movements, that I look up the hill to see who's wound him up and sent him down. He appears late for something. How very British. Choosing not run but looking faintly silly. Maybe our tin man just needs oiling?
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
From worthy pip to golden core
There is one great expectation,
Gather up all the sunshine to store
Lead us not to temptation.
We could use the apples we steal
(We could make pure apple cider)
Scrumping for sunshine, there's the appeal,
Memory's friend & outrider.
Monday, 27 September 2021
Knight Times
An old lady is served in the corner shop. Counting out pennies she's 6p short for her paper. A man, a knight errant, steps forward and offers to pay on his debit card. Under £5, he's charged 50p. That must be the going rate for chivalry these days. I hold the door open for free.
Sunday, 26 September 2021
The hinterlands of a new day;
The sun lies behind the houses,
Out beyond the trees.
My blue/green grass, faintly lit
By solar powered garden light,
A part of the sun to call upon
When the world is hidden.
It guides my way with its comforting, tiny beam of memory.
Saturday, 25 September 2021
Night's stitching is slowly unpicked
Light's itching to seep from dawn's gauze
Balanced, they rest on infinite thought
Balanced, where all the crimes fade
Balanced, where all the new crimes will be made
We sit before both judge and jury
Amid verdicts of meaningless fury
Friday, 24 September 2021
The debit card machine is 'down' at the corner shop. So is the cash dispenser. "Broadband" mutters the owner. We mutter we understand. I don't. We agree it was a simpler time dealing in cash. I have no cash. We're at the whim of what we don't really understand. Aren't we always?
Thursday, 23 September 2021
A lady wearing Winnie The Pooh pyjamas is in the corner shop. Maybe she's sleep-shopping. I wonder if it's for honey? A man flicks through a paper before placing it back. Maybe he's sleep-browsing. I leave the shop, wondering if I've had a walk-on part in other peoples dreams.
Sunday, 19 September 2021
A limerick got lost in a joke
I once told to some random bloke
Walked in to a bar
Did a man from Forfar
Nicked the punchline just as I spoke.
A limerick isn't that long
It's five written lines that are strong
They rhyme at the start
And here in this part
And finish like this - I'm not wrong!
A child's sofa sits outside the corner shop. On it sprawl a doll and an empty beer bottle. Abandoned; they've outgrown their usefulness. I pick up the bottle to place in a bin as I adjust the dolls position. A man exits the shop, open-mouthed at my efforts to Keep Britain Tidy.
Saturday, 18 September 2021
We study the hills, we're in awe of erosion
Mindful of space and our wilful implosions
We all shift the lands by the things that we do
For we're all plates colliding - just lost to Time's view.
Friday, 17 September 2021
The light from the stars takes a long time to reach us
We're made from that light and that dust
So the light from the stars is just trying to teach us
Slow down
We'll get there
There's no rush.
Thursday, 16 September 2021
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Morning develops in night's darkroom; as does the anticipation of precipitation, a rumour started by the clouds, who pass it on. A rising sun fails to mix its reds and yellows on this hidden blue canvas. Rumour has it that today's primary colours will fade to grey. Pass it on.
Monday, 13 September 2021
Shapes cast by light and thought,
Interpretations of a restless catch,
Wriggling off baited hooks of definition.
We may stand in fast-flowing waters,
Dreaming of the one that got away,
Yet we are oblivious to the river
As we fish for shadows and memories.
Sunday, 12 September 2021
A man buys a scratcher at the corner shop. I buy a paper. He puts the scratcher in his pocket. I'll never know if he wins. He'll never know this tweet is about him. We briefly occupy the same space. I see him leave. He goes left. I go right. Life's silent lottery rolls over.
Saturday, 11 September 2021
Transparent Tetris shapes fall into wings;
only the best purples of Scottish-heather
are allowed to radiate from its back,
it's grace and beauty bestowing it
60 days on Earth.
We can only imagine being
allowed such time to shine.
Friday, 10 September 2021
At the corner shop is a man in overalls and a man in pyjamas. They communicate through suspicious looks. Maybe they feel they deserve each others life. They buy their distractions for the day; Overall's takes a paper, Pyjama's some lager. There's a tiredness in both their eyes.
Thursday, 9 September 2021
A large man struggles to walk a small puppy. The puppy pulls at its lead and veers right then left. One day they'll pass my house, side by side, in harmony. For now, the man stares blankly ahead, looking like he's flying a kite on the ground, as he's pulled along by a tiny dog.
I once knew a man on a trawler
Who'd fight for each fish, a real brawler
He fought and he fought
For every fish caught
He landed them battered, the mauler.
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
A key to a missing clock
A missing clock without a key
Working well together
But not
Neighbours on their step. He can't find his cap. She doesn't know which one he means. The one he always wears. She's none the wiser. He thinks she washed it. She didn't. She thinks he left it on site. He didn't. They sigh. They kiss. He drives off.
It's red, if you see it.
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
It's the hottest ticket in town. Summer returns as a special guest star in today's production of autumn. The touring company of clouds have moved to another venue. The wind plays no role, merely an understudy. A word perfect performance, spoken in sunlight, illuminates the stage.
Monday, 6 September 2021
My grandmother once had a ship in a bottle
Until on a weekend I caused it to topple
The ship was in bits and I started to panic
Until I renamed all the pieces Titanic.
I try to speak as a rose smells in bloom
I try to speak as a laugh fills a room
I try to speak as a child's smile is cast
I try to speak as the wild seas are vast
Language, like nature, is ever evolving
Tongue-tied to tradition, yet nature's absolving.
Saturday, 4 September 2021
Some leaves, they crash too early to the ground
And now, they're crumpled up and have turned brown
Some will hang on into deep mid winter
Fade upon the branch without a whimper
We do not get to choose the leaf we'll be
We find ouselves all fixed to the same tree.
Friday, 3 September 2021
The sky never got the pavement's memo. Both wear same colour grey. A man in headphones nods along to music, or is it a very lively Today programme? Light begins the morning puzzle by first doing the corners and edges. People are flat-packed shadow. Some light assembly required.
Thursday, 2 September 2021
A man vapes in his car as he waits outside my neighbour's house. Faint light from a streetlamp is enough to turn the car into a giant snow-globe as the self-propelled mist makes futile efforts to escape. My neighbour exits, also vaping, and the two seem to float away on a cloud.
Wednesday, 1 September 2021
September creeps in under cover of darkness. The thief in the night becomes a squatter. The birds feel something's afoot, the trees have started to drop their guard. The lawn will soon stop growing, in realisation that change is underway. September. The rag n bone man of nature.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
The sound of distant, passing trains. Carrying bleary-eyed commuters to weary-eyed London. So desperate to avoid eye-contact, they read papers, check phones, hack coughs, and snore.
One of the biggest cities in Europe, soon to be filled with people who don't like people.
We are the dreams of febrile minds
We are the streams of we, entwined,
We are the thoughts of such suggest
We are but taught by life, expressed.
Saturday, 28 August 2021
You are home today; though it was only
yesterday you left. Time begins, again,
to start to flow in the same direction.
I spy a police car prowling the street on my hill. I quickly shut the curtains - but then I remember I haven't done anything - I open them again to peer through a slot and I catch the car disappearing over the brow. This passes for excitement where I'm from. I calm down with tea.
Friday, 27 August 2021
I dare not touch this early daylight,
It's so fragile I fear it will break.
A bat, it might be a bird,
Is born knowing morning's tensile strength.
It circuits my garden in widening loops,
Pushing the light to its limit,
Knowing that to be recycled
Is to be born again.
A life filled with multiple choices
B rings songs filled with multiple voices
C all the tunes written
D on't fear that they're hidden
E ach chorus is sung by and for us.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
3 drunk men at 6am
Sure is quite uncommon
From when did all the boozing stem
I'm sure they've now forgotten
Maybe late out on the town
Toasting some success
Or coping with life bearing down
By early booze excess
3 drunk men at 6am
Monday, 23 August 2021
Shining with the eternal gift of light
From a sleeping sun, the moon pulls gently
On a supplicant world
A concertina of tides play out,
Senescent sea shanties are sung
The Sirens will sing as they must;
They can but lure the sailor,
They cannot charm the moon.
Sunday, 22 August 2021
A ring of fresh light shuffles nervously around my bedroom curtains, a soft border to a new day. In this hollow of retreating night I re-imagine myself in this new world. I can be whoever, whatever I choose . Limitless options abound. I choose 'thirsty' and make tea.
I panicked.
Saturday, 21 August 2021
That wooden fence has spent more time as a tree
That brick wall has spent more time as wet clay
That clay was once wet plants and animals
One time - light jumps from fence to brick to clay
Time is the king of recycling
The king is dead - long live the king.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
The howl of the Afghans we've
Left at sea
In a dutiful, leaking boat
They don't scream for money
We've taken their honey
These refugees hardly afloat
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Summer begins to glide into memory
As we reach the hinterlands of autumn
Nature consults with her almanac and
Turns the page on another season
Daylight is falling back in on itself
Wooden trails of smoke lead us by the nose
Long bright colours fade into well-earned rest.
Monday, 16 August 2021
You and I lie in bed;
Waiting for gravity to work,
To plunge us into the Earth's core - to subsume us.
We wait for gravity to play its trick;
But we're not there, you and I,
We're not where gravity wants us to lie.
We are already at the centre of the universe - looking out.
Sunday, 15 August 2021
I would not travel at the speed of sound
I could not stand the boom
I would not travel at the speed of light
I have not got the room
I will travel at my own pace
I find it more genteel
Sound and light fill my headspace
Where the journey's more surreal
Saturday, 14 August 2021
They fall away, they do
The masks we wear all day
We wear them all, anew
For what we dare not say.
One falls each time we meet
Each countenanced fresh trial
We peel away, we seek
Each subtle truth, each smile.
Friday, 13 August 2021
I can still hear an alsatian bark
Where once stood the street to my school
And there stood Cerberus
Guard to the scrap yard
We tiny men of Heracles
Dared closer, closer to its salivating bite
By tiny, giggling girls
He was chained
For a brief, glorious time we were not.
Thursday, 12 August 2021
I love vapour trails. Temporary exotic sky maps that remind me of stressed-out clouds. Celestial games of noughts and crosses that hang briefly in space. Lines of life. Do the tiny planes wonder about we invisibles on the patchwork ground? There's plenty of room for thought.
Wednesday, 11 August 2021
The petals will fall to slow down Summer rides
And crumbled to dust they'll become powdered time
A cleaner patina, an imperfect rhyme
One imperfect wave on an effortless tide.
Monday, 9 August 2021
A smattering of security lights
blink on
blink off
as dark shapes idle
down the hill in our street.
Like nervous actors
they briefly shine.
Illuminating homes,
briefly secure.
At the corner shop they're met with standing ovations of light,
before matinee idling home.
Sunday, 8 August 2021
Morning's greying mist.
Heavy as the soppy sponge
that pulls wet birds
from a lathered sky.
Where once we were treading
water in overnight pools
of insomnia and sweat;
now change is afoot,
time is at hand.
Autumnal fingers flex
for the tipping of summer.
Saturday, 7 August 2021
In my road - Victorian builders once sealed off views to an everlasting sky, tightly packing hard terraced housing into soft hills. My satellite dish look to the stars through a tiny gap in an urban sky. Most starlight falls upon the roof. I'm comforted by that which makes it.
Thursday, 5 August 2021
I glimpse a corner of unassuming sky from behind my bedroom curtain. I wonder how many countless stars lie inside this tiny patch. I wonder of other worlds, of other me's, watching back, from other bedrooms. Are they wondering the same as me?
I wave at myself. I wave back.
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Cars in my street have yet to wash away
on the sucking tide of the morning commute
Little kerbside boxes
outside larger boxes
drive to other boxes
strive for bigger boxes
We fit the boxes to succeed
We tick the boxes we're decreed
Yet one box is all we'll need.
Monday, 2 August 2021
Orange is the new black. The sun nudges its way to the edge of a dark horizon. This never-ending peat fire bursts from the silent soil of a grateful sky. It will travel its arc, a story of pure light, rising and falling as breath, each spark used to ignite a fresh day.
Sunday, 1 August 2021
The last overnight rain gently wipes its feet on a roof. Ancient slate shines beneath the sheen. A terracotta chimney pot is buffed to a dull glow. A TV aerial ripples in expectation. Black dots jostle and settle along its lines, semi-quavering into recognisable droplets of song.
Saturday, 31 July 2021
Only a memory of rain remains. Limpet slugs stick to my garden wall. Starlings dance at the hop to such à la carte delights. Clumps of weeds tease the grass, clenching drenched fists in mock triumph. I make tea. My dog drinks from a puddle. We're both very happy with our choices.
Friday, 30 July 2021
The sky hangs ripe with cloud, stories yet to be told. A woman returns for her brolly, missing the bus. A man sits on the bus, dreaming of a life he and the woman should have - if only she could read his mind. Such dreams and clouds float by as fate clings to a different day.
Tuesday, 27 July 2021
First mug of tea since Covid robbed me of my taste and smell: we seem separated, as if the glass window of the care home keeps us apart, our hands pressed against either side, desperate to feel something, but we only recall a memory of comfort in a senseless time.
A gentle, almost apologetic, tap-tap-tap of light rainfall, containing all the colours for a thirsty garden in each clear drop. An abandoned watering can, hoping for the next dance, then the next dance, sits brooding with the rest of the wallflowers. A very British shower.
Sunday, 25 July 2021
Early morning mist is slowly absorbed by blotting paper sky. Light winds rehearse dances for the thunderstorms to come. Garden path weeds pop their heads up between cracks to see if it's safe to emerge. Spraying them with vinegar has failed. I crave chips. I settle for tea.
Friday, 23 July 2021
At the corner shop. A discarded Wet Paint sign. Morning must have finished its colouring in. A man in a boiler suit frantically scratches at a scratch card. He looks at boiling point. He sighs and buys another. I buy tea and leave, scratching my head. I'm off to boil my kettle.
Tuesday, 20 July 2021
Heat waits in a clear sky, above a parched land. I embrace cool air as a long-lost friend. I water my colourful plants with a hose. It works better under pressure than me. The plants and I know we'd both wilt without one other. We take only what we need and not a drop more.
Sunday, 18 July 2021
The overnight heat was just the warm-up act for today's sun. Everyone's in shorts, like primary school, albeit with questionable tattoos, cleaner faces and hairier legs. The corner shop's out of ice and ice-cream. Not cool. This Englishman walks his mad dog before the midday sun.
Saturday, 17 July 2021
A sense of a promise of impending, arid heat. Birds hop and flit in an effort to finish early. The cool grass accepts it'll soon be straw. A tiny water feature will be an oasis for the tiny traveller. The mirage of time is broken as the desert sand in the hourglass returns home.
Friday, 16 July 2021
My heavy bedroom curtains resemble a pair of thick-set bouncers in my own silent nightclub. The edge of youthful light fails to sneak past unnoticed and is stopped at the entrance. Mingling birdsong thirsts for the day.
Light and sound convince me to put on my dancing shoes.
Thursday, 15 July 2021
Thursday is a day alone. Friday associates with Saturday and Sunday. Monday revels in its infamy. Tuesday is popular because it's not Monday. Wednesday knows it's halfway to greatness. Thursday just gets on with itself. I like Thursday. Unprepossessing, but happy in its own skin.
Tuesday, 13 July 2021
This leaf, like art, is most subjective
This one makes me feel reflective
It grew green once upon the tree
It now lays in this gallery.
My dog gives his singular I NEED A WEE bark. I open the back door. He sits and stares. I encourage him to go out. He refuses. Perhaps I'm not Dr Doolittle. He listens. He stares. I do the same. We both silently reflect upon the outside world. A brief moment. No need for language.
Monday, 12 July 2021
Flags still flutter in my street but move with all the grace and energy of a lunchtime stripper. The rain makes grass blush bright green. Sunday makes Monday tidy up. A beer bottle is definitely half empty. A garden chair stays upended. A pizza box waits proudly for recycling.
Overnight rain mingles with a sense of déjà vu
Hope is stuffed into a
hopelessly small and tattered suitcase
Until the next time
A ticket for its destination
Homeward bound
Lost luggage on a carousel of dreams
Lost property
Unclaimed baggage
Properly lost
Sunday, 11 July 2021
F inally
O ur
O ne
T ime
B eckons.
A rtists
L ove
L arge
S tages.
C an
O ne
M atch
I lluminate
N ational
G lory?
H ope
O vertakes
M anic
E xcitement.
The motorbike from up the road kickstarts Sunday's sermon to life. It coughs its way down our hill as my street of terraced houses congregate in two aisles of narrowing perspective. Open bedroom windows are giant church organ stops. No one sings. Morning's broken. Blame the bike.
Saturday, 10 July 2021
Remnants of rain hang from my washing line in neat little drips. The slate on my roof, buffed by overnight showers, looks new, despite being 400 million years old. I stand in the garden waiting for the restorative rain to return. How long need it rain to rid me of my wrinkles?
I'm standing so far from my mirror these days
I really think there must be much clearer ways
Of seeing who lives behind that piece of glass
It once looked like me, on reflection, that's passed.
Friday, 9 July 2021
Fresh baked bread reminds me smell is the strongest of senses linked to memory. Dettol or sawdust transports me to primary school's queasy, tiny, tummies. Cut grass is Sports Day. Fresh plaster is my grandfather returning home white as a ghost, covered in the dust of his labour.
Thursday, 8 July 2021
A nation sobers up, coddled in grateful silence. A robin flits, hops and flaps on my fence, as if its tiny wings were new. A gang of starlings are losing at chess to a pigeon who won't move. Glass bottles clink delicately into recycling bins, but their victory peal prevails.
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
No rain. Yet. We wait in trepidation and expectation, as if an overbearing great-aunt has promised to visit. It will lick our faces with its hankie. It will demand attention but ask for no fuss. It will judge us and leave. We can't choose family or the weather. It's all relative.
Monday, 5 July 2021
A young man runs to meet a bus. He decelerates as it passes, like a sprinter on his first false start. He walks in the direction of town. Another bus proves the maxim and arrives almost at once from around the corner. He turns but doesn't run. He's now a long-distance walker.
Friday, 2 July 2021
A contrite pigeon reproaches itself, repeatedly cooing "I know, I know". Our skeletal, half-finished gazebo shows its insides, outside. A neighbour's curtain twitches. It may be dreaming. Next doors cat snuggles smugly under a half-finished gazebo. The pigeon knows. It knows.
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
My old school's gone, demolished and rebuilt as a much larger school. Blueprints drawn over memory. I run through solid walls where once I took PE. I raise my hand in strange surroundings. I smoke behind bike sheds that have drifted off with the smoke.
I'm the architect of then.
Monday, 28 June 2021
God is in the detail
*Terms and conditions apply
You could get back less than you put in
Wine and Wafers may contain nuts
We no longer accept Luncheon Vouchers / Diners Club or Prayer as a form of payment
You must be WAY over 18, and look it, like, legally in a court, to speak with a Priest
The value of your religion may go up and down
No cash is left in any collection plate overnight
No unauthorised worship
Baptisms performed at users own risk
Ask about our vacancies
No Satanists
Boris has the Delta Blues
Sajid fills such tiny shoes
Priti - it belies her nature
Britain lacks true legislators
Dom's in perfect, wrecking splendour
Now he's coming off his bender
Gove sits silent at the back
Moving forward, spots the crack.
A half-eaten takeaway in a box on a wall goads a portly jogger. A dog-walker is more walker-dog as his poodle doodles along. The paper van arrives (it's surprisingly sturdy.) The news is tossed onto the kerb by a surly driver. Bad news day or Monday blues? I buy one to find out.
Sunday, 27 June 2021
Early, heavy rain. Everywhere's a water feature. Tarmac bubbles and glistens as if it recalls being hot. Kerbs shine as drains gargle with an unspeakable mouthwash. I'm behind glass, watching nature create an exhibition of itself, curate itself, the whole museum to myself.
Saturday, 26 June 2021
A For Sale signs lies in a garden. Are they selling their lawn? The corner shop beeps me in. No milk today, just a huge space in the cooler where milk was, and will be again. A man buys beer for breakfast. I bet he's out of milk, too. The corner shop beeps me out. I'm dairy free.
I dreamed I was awake and I was lost in stupor's clutch
Am I now still dreaming - are they real the things I touch
Am I wandering aimlessly the valleys of my mind
Or living in the world we feel that we have not defined
The nature of reality
We pick our own normality.
Friday, 25 June 2021
I wake when the gull squawks. Now we're both annoyed. Where's a buzzard when you need one? Britain's Got Talons. I'm still a silhouette in the remaining dark, though I remain positive as a living negative. I hear that distant freight train, rumbling on - sang someone, I bet.
Thursday, 24 June 2021
Morning's performing. Birdsong scats around rhythms of a distant, passing train. A red-faced man fails to silently clink wine bottles into a bin. A car's heavy metal gears grind in accompaniment with my teeth. Birdsong scats around the clinks of the man with the clink problem.
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
There is a moment-all too brief
Between the time stars fade from view
And the light of the morning tide breaks through
There is a moment-all too brief
Where the world changes shift and we can hear
The click of the turn on this imperfect sphere
And we are reset.
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Everything was made of rubber when I was a kid. Rubber band balls, rubber footballs, rubber plants, rubber lino, rubber plimsoles, rubber wigwams, rubber guns, rubber swords.
I realise that the 70's was my warm-up decade. I could come to no harm. If I had, I'd have bounced back!
I glide down the lineup of the week
I stop to make small talk with Tuesday
"And what do you do?" I enquire
" I perform after Monday" Tuesday gulps
"Oh, that is interesting" I reply
Wednesday waits with wobbly knees
"And what do you do?" I enquire...
Monday, 21 June 2021
All today's the longest day
Tomorrow will be shorter
Daylight will be carried off
By some sort of night porter.
An impalpable mist inhabits my garden as I open my back door to nature's dot-to-dot. Minute droplets of water become trapped insects in fossilised jade, aspic splendour. The sun will eventually reclaim this gift. The inexorable cycle will restart. I wonder at time's vast reach.
Sunday, 20 June 2021
Morning's in its Sunday best. An impatient lorry stops and hisses at a red light. A man wears a Hi-Vis vest for dangers unknown. 2 belching, smoking vans diverge at a junction like a tiny Red Arrows display. I reflect upon the corner shop window as an unaccompanied dog trots by.
Saturday, 19 June 2021
The morning's sent on rinse and repeat. A fleet of clouds sail past in battleship grey. There's a sheen to the world. The rain's gone over it with a duster and a bottle of Pledge. A lawn of artificial grass fails to fit in, embarrassed to miss the cut. It sucks to be hoovered.
Friday, 18 June 2021
I like The Queen
I've never seen
Her lose her cool on show
But why she rules
With all her jewels
I will never know
Back in time
When families dined
On turnips and drank mead
Her family smashed
And really trashed
Allcomers on their steeds
So if it comes
To family chums
To claim what's their birthright
I'll get my clan
(And my old nan)
And we can have a fight
The winner rules
And gets the jewels
The hardest family standing
Then given time
My family's crime
Will one day seem upstanding.
I've learned the secret to perpetual motion
Drank the KoolAid's conceptual notion
England's engine has Tory controls
May God have mercy on our souls.
Rain. A dry cat sits smug at a window. Overnight, weeds pop up as if grown in a jack-in-a-box. An England and a Scotland flag do silent battle across the border of my road. A sad-looking neighbour with 2 dogs only walks 1, a surprising reminder of life's jack-in-a-box moments.
Thursday, 17 June 2021
Pippestrellus pippestrellus
Is the smallest so they tell us
And the Noctule is the largest of the group
They all hang upside down
When they're not flying around
And we even had good uses for their poop.
I once ate skate off an old piece of slate
Was served chips in some weird boxing shoes
Displeased with my peas in a terrible state
I struggled to eat with corkscrews
I don't find these changes the height of luxury
Next time I'll bring my own plate and cutlery
A thirsty drain swallows a river of rain. Flowers bow their heads in deference to a deluge. A tiny rumble of thunder in the distance. A trumblance? Clouds jostle for airtime. A man unused to origami folds a newspaper into a soggy hat. I can smell the green returning to the land.
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
A crow arches inky wings across languid air, writing in a lost language. Much like the filled rolls at the corner shop, this is as fresh as today will be. Inspiration turns to perspiration for a portly jogger who seems to have bitten off more than he can phew. Wish I read crow.
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Uneven pavements lie waiting for the trips they won't take. Bedroom windows pushed out into the street beg for air. A very old man in a blazer and tie reminds us of what we often forget. Two cats face off - feline gunslingers. A breeze plays brief snippets of its greatest hits.
Monday, 14 June 2021
Next doors pregnant cat pauses on pregnant paws. I'll be smitten with them kittens. A discarded iced lolly stick recalls a time it was once cool. A worm lies around litter (*squirms and positions apply). Two men awkwardly fist bump their welcome and miss. They pretend to box.
Sunday, 13 June 2021
A half-eaten Chinese takeaway sits on a not very great wall. A cat's eyes interrogate me. The sun holds its breath and makes a wish upon itself for another day. An England flag, flutterless from a window, is frankly flagging as a flag. The papers are in and I turn into a rustler.
Saturday, 12 June 2021
This early world exists of nothing but birdsong. I stretch adding my own yawn chorus. My back that shouldn't click, clicks. A car backfires. A barking dog fires back. The world exists of birdsong, yawning, clicking, firing, and barking. The kettle that should click, clicks.
Friday, 11 June 2021
I do not suit a wetsuit
They go up to your chin
It's a big fail, for this beached whale
That Greenpeace chuck back in.
Nobody is at the bus stop. So it won't. The door to the corner shop is propped open, airing its corners. A man in an England shirt carries groans, cheers, and hopes upon his back. A shirtless scaffolder lifts large loads of alliteration. A man arrives at the bus stop. So it will.
Thursday, 10 June 2021
Two birds in a dogfight over my garden. My dog unimpressed. A man runs by, late for something. Time is just ahead of him, smiling devilishly. A distant car horn beeps angrily at a distant road hog. The sound of a siren makes me briefly pause and worry for someone I'll never meet.
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
Time is a big train
It's all steam and stack
It speeds it remains
Upon memory's track
It's fast and it's slow
It stops at nowhere
We all get a go
We all go somewhere.
Tuesday, 8 June 2021
A couple so engrossed in each other walk into an overhanging hedge and laugh. A cat stares. A For Sale sign is leaving home, it's now a Sold sign. A single beep from a car horn indicates next door should be outside with his kit. He runs out with toast. Life's millpond ripples.
Monday, 7 June 2021
A man stumbles up a kerb and starts running, powered by embarrassment. A woman sniffs and dabs her eyes. Hayfever, Monday, or more? Two crows fight viciously over a squashed hedgehog. I ultimately lose the urge not to call them prickly. A woman sneezes. I smile. Life's millpond.
Sunday, 6 June 2021
I must confess I did not know
of Britain's oldest door,
this small recess, this oak regressed,
now written into lore.
The men who've walked this way before,
such tales they told or kept,
as mighty swords did rap the door
for secrets it has wept.
I peek from behind my curtain and catch a neighbour doing the same. We both mime dusting. A cat sashays home along a kerb, hunting relaxation. A trampoline stands forlorn in a garden, its tiny bouncers fast asleep. I catch another curtain twitch. I prepare my fake duster...
Saturday, 5 June 2021
Eggy soldiers decorated yellow
Many stories animated echoes
From times that grandad was himself a boy
Where his grandad would teach bookshelves of joy.
Friday, 4 June 2021
A man talks wildly to himself. No phone or earpiece. Sadness and I eavesdrop. Rumbles from a distant train track grow louder as I concentrate. As do memories. A lad's sighs arrives on time with the sigh of a buses air brake. Blips and sonic ripples from today's millpond.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
A man walks past my window wearing a big coat. He'll carry that home. A cyclist dresses like he's in the Tour De France but wobbles like a jelly. A van drives slowly up our street, taking speed bumps like a lazy surfer waiting for the Big One. Ripples of life on today's millpond.
Life is our own epic poem
Our paradise lost odyssey
Forging a path without knowing
Who laughs at divine comedy.
Will Gilgamesh wash away sins
As Prometheus show us his trick
Ying and Yang are identical twins
We're the old tales we help the world tick.
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
I carved our names upon a tree
At school that meant eternity
You saw your name and scratched it out
I added Jane's, that made you pout
You scratched out mine and added Terry's
Knowing we were adversaries
Terry thumped me, asked out Jane
Last I heard they lived in Spain
Tuesday, 1 June 2021
buyer beware
it's sold as seen
i do not care
for weakened beans
I'll now unpack
my box of tea
I'll not go back
to meek coffee
my doctor said
it's time to change
in heart and head
I did feel strange
so mugs of tea
and plenty more
my decaf spree
was such a bore
I think the birds know
The birds think the grass knows
The sun always knows
We move in that end-of-term way
Laziness lounges around
Touting relaxation
The birds contemplate shade
The grass is released from the effort of growing
I look for the sunny part of everywhere
Sunday, 30 May 2021
Had my portrait painted
By a clever man indeed
We're so well acquainted
He bowed to every need
He kept out all my blemishes
He kept out all my spots
He kept out all my crevices
He kept out lots and lots
The finished work is on my wall
A blank canvas called My Downfall
Saturday, 29 May 2021
I could dream the dream of Manderley, again,
I could sail the heavens and the oceans blue
I could stop all flowing time
I could change the paradigm
Yet I dream to dream the dreams of me and you.
My neighbour's white and red roses fight old battles on the breeze for dominion over a picture perfect garden. I'm rarely envious of others. We are where we are because it's where we're supposed to be. Briefly, I want to be in his fragrant garden, winning his war of the roses.
Friday, 28 May 2021
I must say
I start each day
Hoping for a Fabergé
But I see
My days to me
Turn out more like Cadbury
Still a treat
Though bittersweet
But who wants fancy jewels to eat?
Night briefly meets Day. Night boasts of its stars and Day agrees they're rather impressive. Night brags of the blackest black. Day nods along in silence. Day simply looks to the first thrush who is heralding the gift of new light through song.
Night departs, mumbling to itself.
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
Between the Then and the Soon
Lays Now, quite quietly strewn
For this is the bit
Where we all sit
From the rise of the Sun to the Moon
To be, or not to be: this is the morning
Whether 'tis nobler of our day to suffer
The songs of sparrows in outrageous portions,
Or to set alarms against a sea of struggles
And by snoozing end them? To try; to sleep;
One more.
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
Language is so fluid
Like water in the streams
What once we called The Druids
Now 'Blokes in Cloaks', it seems.
A colander relies on all its holes
Without them you get pans or you get bowls
But humans are not made from what's not there
They store that stuff in memory and declare,
"I think therefore I am,
Not a colander or pan"
Monday, 24 May 2021
Unspoken street etiquette. The single, tiny, glove waits on a wall for a new, frazzled, mother to gratefully reclaim it. 2 roadside, recycling bins are a passive-aggressive NO PARKING sign. 1 green beer bottle, magically half-full/half-empty, might accidentally fall/be pushed.
Sunday, 23 May 2021
we used to kick our football 'til it burst
its leather panels scuffed or worse
attempts at Kevin Keegan headers
bled us
leaving us with cuts above the eyes
wounded tales of playground pride
swelling to impress and frighten girls
walking home
picking up our throwing stones.
Saturday, 22 May 2021
The stumps from childhood cricket games have worn away from the end of the house. The paint stripped, the crease folded. Those bricks know our secrets, casting their masonic silence over a tiny patch of overgrown grass. We're not out. Time stops play as Memory readies the covers.
Thursday, 20 May 2021
An old car gives a throaty, smokers cough, reminiscent of many people in the 1970's. Even my nan's dog wheezed non-filtered snores as it lay beneath clouds of Capstan. Now everyone vapes, cars are rapidly turning battery-powered and I think, do my dogs dream of electric sleep?
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
My doctor says it is bad for my heart
I tell her it's good for my soul
I tried to tell her the good it imparts
She said find a new watering hole.
I though for a bit
What I said shocked her
I'm now fighting fit
I've got a new doctor!
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
This way passed the oldy-weds
Hand in hand as blossom sheds
Wistful faces, rueful smile
Knows the fruit borne down this aisle.
I can see the morning's edge developing around thick bedroom curtains. A rectangular corona for a nightly eclipse, a door to a silent nightclub. The light's been in Lockdown and is held back by the flimsy material. Very soon it'll burst through and claim every seat in the house.
Monday, 17 May 2021
I let the dog out at 4am, the strangest hour. The rooftops of our neighbours were negatives in the developing light. The grass of my lawn was leached of colour. The morning smudged the areas it couldn't quite draw. I'm the same with hands. I heard one bird message the rest.
I can't recall when last we blew on dandelion puff for the time, but it's a memory; or the last time we held sunny buttercups under chins, or searched for dock leaves to take away the stinging-nettles bite, or dropped rotor-blade seeds from the maple tree on high.
But we did.
Sunday, 16 May 2021
Wouldn't say my youth has gone
I think it's just well hid
Under rolls of belly fat
Don't do the things I did!
We've more cracks than pavement on our hilly street. Maybe they all flow down to one huge crack like rivers to the sea. Maybe they're waiting until they all join together to form the picture they were drawing for the birds.
Tarmac repairs sit like rotten teeth in a wonky mouth.
Saturday, 15 May 2021
A feather tree is funny to me
A tree that grows feathers is fun
Out in all weather
Without a strong tether
It flies off to find winter sun.
The poet carves his path through grass
A well worn path it seems
He walks his metered steps to last
And rhymes bits in between
He chops his way through greenery
A road less taken, maybe
We tread his tracks, his scenery
The way he shows us daily.
Friday, 14 May 2021
I dreamt I was dreaming,it made my heart sink
And I woke just the once with a jerk
Am I still dreaming that dream, I still think
I shouldn't be naked at work?
Pigeon takes pigeon
In a game of rooftop chess
Playing just like us
But they leave a bigger mess.
Thursday, 13 May 2021
The sun is hidden behind the bruised flesh of a marbled sky. Could've-been-a-contender, street-fighting cloud rumbles and stumbles into morning. The sun will emerge, unscathed, at some point, but it's fixed to go down in the last round.
As it always will.
Separate the Morning from the Night
Crease the Afternoon in half, somehow
Twist and turn the Day so it looks right
All your Time is folded into Now.
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
I dress in the Lockdowned Style; T-Shirt, jogging bottoms and odd socks.
I recall my grandad would wear a shirt, tie and shiny shoes just to post a letter. I can't remember when I even last posted a letter, or if I still possess a tie that isn't black.
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
I do not see the lawn grow but it does
(Often cut as it is to stay the same)
I do not see my beard grow but it does
(Often cut as it is to stay the same)
I never see the birds grow but they do
Their nesting familiarity
Returning to change quite happily
Monday, 10 May 2021
The dandelion clocks we blew when we were young
Were carried on a carefree breeze
Their tufts of hope to lands far flung
And we followed with such eagerness and ease.
Icarus - the thickest of us
Flew too close to a sun so bright
With no fuss - and pure genius
I'll journey there during the night.
Sunday, 9 May 2021
We all practice pointillism, whether we know it or not. Tiny dots of experience build memory. From this are built colour and shapes. It means little as a single point but stand back, take in your work. Every dot of memory is as connected as the rest. That's the point, really.
Friday, 7 May 2021
I hope that I'm not awake
I hope that I'm still asleep
For my room it seems to shake
To the sound of jumping sheep.
Thursday, 6 May 2021
The world is a rough pencil sketch just before dawn. A gallery with the lights turned off. A hint of form, a mere suggestion of colour. The world won't sit still for its portrait. This is why there are slight alterations to yesterday's masterpiece. A work in constant progress.
Wednesday, 5 May 2021
We start as first submissions with ommissions
We then transit through the pages of the ages
We store library, first edition, and revisions
We write ever-changing words upon those pages.
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
We take mysterious puddles on trust. We enter at our peril. Mere inches deep, surprise awaits the unsuspecting foot. We used to splash about with abandon but we tend to sidestep puddles now. The price of maturity was abandoning abandon.
We feel dry but we feel short-changed.
Monday, 3 May 2021
I used to drink to be sociable
The most sociable guy around
Lunchtime was non-negotiable
At the bar was where I could be found.
I used to drink to relax myself
The most chilled and relaxed around
Evening top shelf, have one for yourself
I'd toast you if you were in town.
I used to drink when I watched TV
It mattered not I was alone
Crack open cans, make future plans
For things I knew I had postponed.
I used to drink to forget myself
I forget where I ended up most
The thing with forgetting, it's too much regretting
Chapters you couldn't quite close.
This is just me and I really do see
How most can enjoy the odd drink
But if truth be told, before you're too old
Has any of this made you think?
You had dementia
You lived with us all
Every morning you asked
Where is my Nora?
Every morning we said
Nora has died
Every morning you cried
Every day we cried
Only your tears dried
Come the afternoon.
I tripped upon the past
And fell into today
My time in here won't last
Tomorrow's trip's this way.
Sunday, 2 May 2021
(upon reading an article - Where Memories Live)
Everything I see in here
is everything I've tasted,
loved and lost and seen and feared,
touched and gained and wasted.
Everything I see in here
is all of me and more,
I should make it very clear,
I'll forget it all, I'm sure.
Saturday, 1 May 2021
time is key
and box
and morning
it's lock
and gift
and evening
the gift that keeps on taking
the gift that's there on waking
time sails on its own winds
time's tales from its own spin
time will call us like The Sirens
time will outlive all the diamonds.
Robin's Nest
The removal of creeping, green ivy on a garden brick wall has ceased. A discovery of a robin's nest within, containing 4 blue eggs, has turned us into broody, avian midwives. There's danger the bird will abandon it, even though we've covered it over.
Nature's harsh. We're soppy.
Friday, 30 April 2021
I hope it don't rain when I'm at the tip
I've bags of cut grass and I'll slip in the skip.
Evening is jazz
Smoky rooms
irreverent rythm.
Morning is a capella
Trusted tunes
hatched fledgling
rushed song sheet
itinerant old hymn.
Thursday, 29 April 2021
I was always Tony Currie
in the playground in a hurry
arms aloft stood by the goalie
(Wheezy Kid who moved too slowly)
the plastic ball was chipped sky high
caught by the wind it wobbled by
straight to our Wheezy, from orbit
(he burst our ball, he fell on it)
A day free of responsibility
maybe we'll dress up, view new-build houses
we can never afford
we'll be the Newman's
from old money
we'll talk of laying our fake grass, wonder
where we'd fit our pretend range and drink real
coffee in the pretend office
/granny flat.
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
The thing with Freedom Passports
It's just one box to tick
You're missing out on all sorts
It's just one tiny prick.
Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Nothing says Lockdown more than waiting an hour and a half in a queue for the tip, people watching. Some cars are moving bumper to bumper. The daring leave a big gap between cars. I'd like to see a queue jumper get in there. Alleviate the boredom.
This is rubbish!
We are always in the Here and Now
We are always in the There and Soon
We are also Then and When, somehow
Always going in and out of tune.
We're Everywhere and Nowhere, baby
Lyrically, describing us the best
It's always odd but this day, maybe
All I'm sure of is I'm in my vest.
The perfect quiet of a morning will be shattered the moment I let the dog out. I think of the students, a few doors down, partying in their garden last night. Sharing loud music and the high jinx of youth.I let the dog out to bark at the day. But mainly at the sleeping students.
Monday, 26 April 2021
Sunday, 25 April 2021
If I was Time's lift operator
I'd battle huge dinosaurs
If I controlled Time's elevator
I'd stop it between the last floors.
Saturday, 24 April 2021
one little magic bean
and all its magic mates
work their magic unforeseen
that's how the magic takes
The scattered twigs
A nascent language
Tiny, little, logs
Lingo of the dogs.
I'm driving along in fine rhyme
Obeying the metre limit
If I find a word out line
I stick it straight into free verse.
I don't pretend to understand Bitcoin
It doesn't pretend to understand me
We like the estrangement of this arrangement
Coinjoined in our ignorant harmony.
Friday, 23 April 2021
The once ubiquitous rubber band
No more scattered over path and grass
Where the postie once left clues
For you and Scooby Do
Perhaps they must keep them now
By Order of Elvunsaytee
Each sorting depot feeding
Rubberballed monsters
Growing hungrier by the day.
Thursday, 22 April 2021
I had my prostate tested
I really didn't linger
But felt all calm and rested
Until the doctor's finger.
I'm reminded of walking along a riverbank with one of my kids when he was a toddler. Told him the mist on the river was where clouds floated down in the morning to drink. He's 22 now. No longer believes in my fantasy tales.
Hope he briefly gets to convince someone else one day.
Wednesday, 21 April 2021
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Where do our thoughts start
And where do our thoughts end
The time between the chart
The time between the spend.
Where would our thoughts go
Where would our thoughts finish
If we had to show
Every precious minute.
Sunday, 18 April 2021
I used to wallow in the waters of time
I used to lay there and let seconds
soak over me
I am more circumspect with bathing
I'll dip a toe in here and there
Splash the odd month or two upon my face
But when I pull that plug
I hear a gurgled laugh
Of gargling years.
If the ticks and the tocks
Of the clock would just stop
Then I could cross Time's busy street.
But the pendulum swings
Much too fast for my limbs
I've got time on my hands and my feet.
We've two brick walls in our back garden
One's collapsing
Years of errant kids chasing errant footballs
The other side is the 'scary' neighbour's
Standing firm with brick and bush
Kids too frit to ask
Some days
Four balls reappear
But only three were lost.
I wake up to a painted morning
They've covered all nooks and all cracks
You can choose any colour - fair warning -
Any colour as long as it's black.
Saturday, 17 April 2021
Me, Myself and I
Are laying in bed
I roll over Myself
And push Me out
Myself looks at Me
While Me and Myself
Stare at each other
I push Myself out too
I am finally alone in bed
But then Alone walks in...
Friday, 16 April 2021
...I'm too tall to be a spy at 6ft2. Apparently MI5 set a height limit of 5ft11. I'm more disappointed than I thought I would be, though I actually really want to be a spy.
I'll stick to writing.
Licence To Quill.
This light, this delicate light
burst from a broiling Sun
five hundred seconds ago
Bouncing off bursts of radiation
avoiding cosmic obliteration.
This light, this delicate light
falls at my slippered feet
by my back door
It travels no more.
The poet works with rhyme and words
As a carpenter would work wood
Planing meaning out of verse
As a good word-worker should.
Thursday, 15 April 2021
It's cold enough for my breath to freeze. I silently exhale, and the words I might've used vanish into the air. I breathe in, worried I might need them later. Birdsong elicits no such lost, frozen, dictation. In sync with nature, their perfect song inhabits a wordless world.
Not as cool as Friday
When the weekend starts
But knocks the socks off Monday
When the fun departs.
Vol-au-vents are terribly crumbly
Served at parties by all and sundry
I can eat three, no, possibly four
Though most of them land upon the hosts floor.
Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Memory. A trunk you can't fill. Nothing is thrown away. You might not be able to find the colour of the coat you wore on your 1st day at school, nor the name of the 2nd girl you kissed. But they are there. Beneath your kids names, your favourite pet, and the 1st girl you kissed.
Tuesday, 13 April 2021
The sky at light. You can have it in any colour as long as it's blue.(whisper it) It's yet to be troubled by cloud or by noise. It almost shimmers, or maybe it shivers, as a rising sun applies rouge. A fussing parent watching over an infant child watching over an infant world.
Monday, 12 April 2021
The infant morning is playing with blocks of primary colours. Reds, yellows, and blues wait to be smeared across a tolerant sky. A wren hops into view, unsure of itself, chattering away to no-one. We've all been there. Its tiny form takes off, a blur vanishing into solid colour.
Sunday, 11 April 2021
We wear our mask
Upon our face
Not much to ask
We know our place
We change our face
Beneath the mask
That shows good grace
If they should ask
Now off you go
Put on your mask
Your face will grow
To any task.
If an African zebra crossed,
One of our zebra crossings,
Would it just simply be lost,
From view from the traffic it's stopping?
Saturday, 10 April 2021
We rent a skip
We fill it
No more old carpet
Once proudly laid in a brand new home
No more old mower
Once hovered over a seeded lawn
No more old toys
Worn out by tiny, loving, growing hands
We rent a skip
We own a memory
We fill both with what we throw away.
Friday, 9 April 2021
If the trees were upside down
It really would be bonkers
Birds would nest right on the ground
Right next to fallen conkers.
If the trees were upside down
Would we be just the same?
Would roots and leaves the wrong way round
Makes family tree's insane?
I've woken up at 2AM
It's now just gone 2:40
I wonder if I'll sleep again
I wish my brain weren't naughty.
Thursday, 8 April 2021
It'll feel strange to communicate with our whole faces when Lockdown ends. My eyes have been working overtime so long to convey meaning and nuance I'm worried I've forgotten how to smile. My bushy eyebrows deserve a mention. Wriggling away like mad.
That'll have to stop. 🐛🐛
The Swiss Army knife in coping
With communication.
The Swiss Navy life we open
When lost in translation.
Wednesday, 7 April 2021
I lay here in my bed
In the dark and contemplation
The thoughts inside my head
Still don't know their destination
Tuesday, 6 April 2021
We travel in time
We all go the same way
But when we arrive
That's not for us to say
We travel in rhyme
Our baggage is memory
The journey's sublime
Views are exemplary
We travel, we treasure
We grow, we evolve
The journey is measured
By who we involve
Monday, 5 April 2021
A cold April
A warm March
These Locked Down months are jumbling
Stumbling as they arrive
Out of any order
We oughta look forward
To Christmas in July
Eating sunny mince pies
With November beached
Bonfire Night fireworks
Bleach into bright
August skies.
Sunday, 4 April 2021
we played at soldiers in the cemetery
we meant no harm
the momentum of youth
silenced acts of disrespect
machine-gun sounds and bombs
would fall between gravestones
of real war dead
they meant no harm
the momentum of youth
silenced by acts of disrespect